Tuesday 30 November 2010

2011 Aston Martin Vantage GT4

2011 Aston Martin Vantage GT42011 Aston Martin Vantage GT4
2011 Aston Martin Vantage GT4

As with the accepted 4.7 litre Aston Martin Vantage GT4, which fabricated its chase admission in 2009, the Aston Martin Vantage GT4 2011 car is carefully based on the V8 Vantage alley car with key attributes actuality agitated over including the aluminium chassis, abject agent and abeyance design. In accession to the agent and aero upgrades, competitors can, for the aboriginal time, accept a race-developed Bosch ABS and absorption ascendancy system. This arrangement has been accurately optimised by Bosch Motorsport for the Aston Martin Vantage GT4 to accommodate race-enhanced achievement in both wet and dry conditions.

The Aston Martin Vantage GT4’s new splitter increases downforce at the advanced of the car, as able-bodied as channelling cooling air to the brakes and radiator. At the rear, the car assets the V12’s beyond cossack ‘flip’. This works calm with a new carbon fibre diffuser and rear underfloor, which actualize an breadth of low burden beneath the rear of the car, to access downforce. The redesigned underfloor additionally channels added air through a new rear-mounted aerial accommodation manual oil cooler.

Saturday 27 November 2010

More LoL Christmas Wallpapers

Continuing on from yesterday here are a trio of Christmas themed LoL wallpapers, one is inspired by the "Festivus" event made popular by TV Show Sienfeld :) Enjoy and leave a comment if there is any particular champion you would like to see in a wallpaper.

Friday 26 November 2010

Some Holiday Themed League of Legends Wallpapers

'Tis the season! And in anticipation I have come up with a few Christmas themed wallpapers for everyone to enjoy! I hope to have some more later on but for now you can wet your whistle with these three.

Some of the Yordles from Bandle City

Demancia Festivus!

The Ice Bird wishes you a chilly Christmas!

Thursday 25 November 2010

2011 Porsche Tuners speedART TITAN EVO Cayenne

2011 Porsche Tuners speedART TITAN EVO Cayenne2011 Porsche Tuners speedART TITAN EVO Cayenne2011 Porsche Tuners speedART TITAN EVO Cayenne2011 Porsche Tuners speedART TITAN EVO Cayenne

speedART, Porsche Tuner from Rutesheim Germany has presented at Essen Motor Show 2010 the so alleged speedHYBRID 450 as TITAN-EVO-completion based on the Cayenne S Amalgam (respectively as TITAN EVO 600 based on Cayenne Turbo).

For the agent achievement affairs of the Porsche Cayenne, speedART has provided afterward achievement upgrades that accommodate agent advancement with +50 HP / 70 NM, amalgam upgrades with +70 HP / 50 NM, and turbo advancement up to +100 HP / 150NM.

Especially for the V6 compressor agent of Cayenne S Amalgam speedART developed a ability access to 450 HP. So the speedHYBRID 450 appreciably outperforms the ability of alternation Cayenne S. The dart from 0-100 km/h reduces from 6,5 Sec. to 5,9 Sec. and the V-Max. increases by 10 km/h to 252 km/h, so it alike outclasses the accepted V6 by over 20 km/h.

For the bodywork, speedART has presented two new anatomy kits which can be added to all alternation Cayenne 958. This so alleged TITAN-EVO aerodynamic kit consists of optimized ascent genitalia for front- and rear brim which makes it attending abundant sportier.

As addition highlight and common presented for the aboriginal time, speedART developed and advised a 23″ caster which is alleged CTS-FORGED. This artificial and weight-optimised 1-piece busted wheelset is accessible in the admeasurement 11 x 23″ with 315/25 ZR 23″ tires.

Monday 15 November 2010

LeBlanc - The Deceiver

Every city has its dark side, even one whose reputation is already of a questionable hue. Noxus - though its name is already invoked with a mixture of reverence and revulsion - is no exception to this simple truth. Deep within the winding dungeons that honeycomb the earth beneath its dark, meandering streets lies the real underbelly of this sprawling metropolis, a haven for all manner of malevolence. Amongst the cults, covens, and secret societies that call this labyrinth their home, LeBlanc, the Deceiver, presides over the Black Rose, a remnant from a lost, yet similarly unscrupulous time in Noxian history. Ruthless and seemingly ageless, LeBlanc and her ilk were a mainstay in Noxian political affairs during the era before the militarization of the Noxian government. In those days, this guild of powerful magicians met in secret to further their hidden agenda, and to hone a craft more subtle than that preferred by those currently in power.

While their exact motives have always remained mysterious, it was widely believed that the Black Rose was the true power behind the throne while the aristocracy still reigned in Noxus. When raw martial prowess became the ultimate determination of whose will held sway in the Empire, the Black Rose seemed to vanish overnight. Many believed that perhaps their time had simply passed, and that its members had put aside their quests for social and political dominance. When LeBlanc reemerged at the gates of the Institute of War, however, it became clear that these masters of shadow and flame had simply been biding their time, waiting for a new global authority to emerge: the League of Legends.

Monday 8 November 2010

2011 Eisenmann Tuning Audi R8 Spark Eight

2011 Eisenmann Tuning Audi R8 Spark Eight2011 Eisenmann Tuning Audi R8 Spark Eight2011 Eisenmann Tuning Audi R8 Spark Eight2011 Eisenmann Tuning Audi R8 Spark Eight Picture

Eisenmann has continued been the apogee of aloft achievement bankrupt systems. For the aboriginal time the bankrupt specialist has adapted an absolute vehicle. The accomplished standards, which are hallmarks of Eisenmann, additionally administer to the carbon aerodynamic package, the admixture wheels, the chassis, and of advance the bankrupt system. This converts the Audi R8 into the Spark Eight by Eisenmann.

Not alone does the aerodynamic amalgamation accord to its ultimate beheld effect, it additionally improves the functionality of the cool sports car from Ingolstadt. The apparatus decidedly advance the active dynamics and the amount administration amid advanced and rear axle. The new carbon accouterments includes the addle-brain with grille and fins (7800 Euro including VAT), the anchor cooling accommodation (1260 Euro), the advanced splitter (1800 Euro), the rear addle-brain with grille (4800 Euro), and the rear diffuser (3800 Euro).

It goes after adage that bankrupt systems are the area of Eisenmann. The Spark Eight by Eisenmann is adapted with a achievement stainless abduct system, with a gigantic tailpipe avenue in the centermost of the rear addle-brain (4600 Euro). This warrants a one-of-a-kind beheld effect. Thanks to the accessory ascendancy system, complete and optimal achievement can be controlled with the advance of a button. As an another Eisenmann offers an bankrupt arrangement with four stainless animate tailpipes (3800 Euro) that can be accumulated with the accepted rear spoiler. The retro-classic assimilation carry (1200 Euro) and the two egg-shaped tailpipes (1000 Euro) accommodate the attending of the R10.

Eisenmann additionally ensures that the bigger anatomy matches the advancement of beheld aftereffect and sound. The new shock absorbers with four achievement springs (3850 Euro) access the active activating for akin added active administration characteristics. The 235/35 (front) and 315/30 (rear) tyres army on 8.5×19 inch admixture auto ensure a solid anchor (complete set accessible for 7300 Euro).

For the Spark Eight by Eisenmann, beheld appearance, complete and achievement access into a absolute symbiosis. All of the aloft is based on acquaintance Eisenmann has accumulated in motoring. Many years of analysis and development for racetracks and motorways akin accept alloyed into an incomparable project. Apparatus and the complete about-face amalgamation are alone accessible at Eisenmann and on the Web at www.eisenmann-sportauspuff.de